Curious about the number 30 on the package? That’s the estimated number of carotenoids in carrots, pumpkin and sweet potatoes. Carotenoids are a powerful class of antioxidants which cannot be manufactured in dog’s bodies.
fuel their body, brain and gut
You might be wondering - what’s a dog product doing here in the plant-based nutrition website? Newton, our dog, is part of our family. When our son, Merric saw the AOX products that we were making for humans, he tasked us with creating something good-for-Newton. We can’t leave out the member of our family that greets us everyday with an enthusiastic tail wag, the best keeper of everyone’s secrets and who really is our “best friend.” So while some might see Wag-a-Day as an outlier, we see it as an important part of our AOX family.
This plant-based superfood blend contains powerful antioxidants, natural omega-3s, plant-based protein and fiber so he’s even more playful, and she’s got plenty of spunk on your weekend walks. Just add a spoonful to your everyday wet or dry dog food to make it super-nourishing. Even the pickiest of eaters, like Newton, chow down their superfoods.
If Superman had a dog, he’d give him Wag-A-Day once a day. Up, up and away.
Sweet Potato
Chia Seed
Flax Seed
Toasted Quinoa
Pumpkin Powder