boost your immune superpowers


We have blended some of the highest concentration of antioxidants from superfoods into this wonderfully refreshing, slightly tart tea that can be enjoyed cold or hot brewed.

Drink SuperFx Tea to support your healthy immune system and boost your natural defenses. This tea is packed with polyphenols - a potent class of plant antioxidants.

Drink SuperFx Tea to quench the free radicals that flood your body from stress:

  • One of “those” meetings

  • Cramming to finish a project or a test

  • Commuting to work or commuting home - either way it can drain the life out of you

  • {Insert your stressor here ___________}

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Curious about the number 375 on our package? That’s the %RDA of Vitamin C in 50mg of rose hips - it’s one of the highest foods in the world for vitamin C. [Note: while you won’t get 50mg in our tea, it’s a powerful source of antioxidants.]



Immune-boosting power of Elderberries. Elderberry ranks in the top 10 of all foods in polyphenols, a powerful type of antioxidant. One study published last year in Europe reported that a higher intake of polyphenols was associated with a longer life span.


Vitamin C packed Rose Hips. Rose hips contain one of the highest amounts of vitamin C among fruits and vegetables, and also contains vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, D, E, and K. Rose hips have powerful antioxidants from carotenoids (same as found in bright orange colored veggies and fruits like carrots) as well as polyphenols and flavonoids.


Antioxidant-powerful Hibiscus. A landmark investigation of the Antioxidant Content of 3,139 Foods put hibiscus tea ahead of even matcha tea. The international team of researchers compared hundreds of different beverages - everything from energy drinksl to crowberry liqueur - hibiscus tea topped the rankings.