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what we are reading

We love to read up what’s new in the world of contemporary nutrition and wellness. Send us your reading ideas too.

I Contain Multitudes. This is a pretty cool, deep-dive into the scientific world of the microbiome. The book explores the scientific discoveries of how our microbiome is shaped from infant through adulthood, how our diets have radically changed from our ancestors thereby altering the microbiome and propelling modern diseases. Fascinating stuff that convinced us that gut health may be one of the most important frontiers in human wellness.

Blue Zones. Where are the few places in the world where people live the longest - the most centarians? What is it about these distinct populations that allows people to live long, thriving lives?  If you adopt the right lifestyle, experts say, chances are you may live up to a decade longer. So what's the formula for success? National Geographic Explorer Dan Buettner has lead teams of researchers across the globe to uncover the secrets of Blue Zones—geographic regions where high percentages of centenarians are enjoying remarkably long, full lives. Fascinating read.

The New Optimum Nutrition Bible. Dense, yet easy to read in chunks soup to nuts overview of specific vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins and fats and their specific role in nutrition as well as a deep dive into specific disease states and what nutritional elements can help.

The Happiness Advantage. You might wonder what this is doing here. Happiness, positivity, gratitude and optimism affects your mind, your body and your gut. There is serious science behind how happiness is super-protective for your bones, your metabolism, your brain and your immune system.

The Longevity Project. 1,500 bright children were tracked for more than 80 years in a massive longitudinal study begun in 1921 by psychologist Lewis Terman. Terman collected millions of details about these subjects. Psychology professors Howard S. Friedman and Leslie Martin analyzed the data for two-decades. Super-interesting review of how life-styles (getting married, religion), behaviors (exercising) and attitudes (optimism, conscientiousness) can have a dramatic influence on your longevity. Spoiler alert - the old adages are’t necessarily true.

Dr. Weil. His early insights on chronic inflammation and anti-inflammatory diet have helped millions of people boost their natural defenses.

Dr. Axe. We love his approach wisdom to natural medicine fueled by natural foods. We are especially impressed with his insights on leaky gut syndrome.