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boost up the nutrition of practically anything

Our nutrient-dense superfood blends can be added to almost anything. Some like our Bake-Up are a flavorless nutrition boost to your favorite baked treats recipes. Others are a surprisingly super-tasty addition. All are packed with massive nutrition: brain nourishing superfoods that bring out your inner da Vinci, antioxidants that power up your immune system’s superpowers. Your wimpy fries - boost up the nutrition with our SEASON-UP. Your fabulous overnight oats - boost up the nutrition even a little more with our BREAKFAST BLENDS. Take your everyday dog food and make it a little super with a spoonful of WAG-A-DAY. Quench the stress hormones with TEA-UP. Everyday throughout the day we make boosting the nutrition of your meals, snacks and beverage occasions super-easy and super-accessible with our superfood blends.


fire up your immune system with this hot or cold brewed tea. made with a tasty blend of elderberry, hibiscus and rose hips to STRENGTHEN YOUR NATURAL IMMUNITY, DE-tox after one of “those” days AND deeply nourish every nook and cranny in your body.

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breakfast blends

FUEL YOUR BODY, BRAIN AND GUT WITH ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS, powerful ANTIOXIDANTS, vitamins, MINERALS AND OMEGA-3’S FROM whole SUPERFOODS.  caution: unleashes your awesome before anyone else gets to work or class.


make even the WIMPIEST of foods, a little super. this tangy blend of spices adds a massive amount of antioxidants to everything from mashed potatoes and fries, to rice and veggies, burgers and grilled meats, even popcorn. power-up the nutrition of practically anything.

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even the pickiest of eaters chow down this all-natural goodness that deeply nourishes doggies from head to tail. just add a little to boost up the nutrition of your everyday dog food with this antioxidant-dense superfood blend.


This flavorless blend of superfoods was born for propping up their more popular food friends - muffins, cupcakes, brownies, cookies. Your secret ingredient to super-goodness, super-nourishing, super-powered treats.

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fuel up. kick start. fire up your neurons. add this brain-boosting superfoods blend to your coffee. you’ll love this tasty blend of raw cacao (cocoa), coconut milk powder and coffee fruit (cascara).

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I was desperate for more BB1. I think the stuff makes a big diff in my state of mind. It’s healthy, not frivolous fortification, and my whole family enjoys it.
— Sallie
I’m seriously addicted to BB2. I use it all the time on everything. I sneak Bake-Up into my cookie recipes and my family never knows the difference.
— Nicole
Within a week of drinking the elderberry tea, I could tell that I was more articulate...I was thinking clearer. I am connecting thoughts better. I have more mental energy...I feel ‘on’ now.
— Frank
This sounds strange, but I feel happier after eating BB1.
— Claire

nourish your brain with our blog